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T W A U ... The Chase...from Yesterday...part Deux

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ToraToraTora | 15:13 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Multiple choice this time...

Which Scientist wrote the 1958 book "Elementary Seismology"?

A: Hans Geiger   B: Friedrich Mohs   C: Charles F. Richter

Answer.....A! 🤣



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Not many people would know this Tora...

If you'd time to think you would likely get the right answer.

But in a hurry it is a question you could get wrong.

Question Author

Come on there are amoeba who know about the Richter Scale! But the actual answer is irrelevant as is always the case with these. Everyone knows what a Geiger counter is!

Not everyone knows what Seismology is, not everyone knows how long ago the Geiger counter was discovered, not everyone knows the dates of these people, etc, etc.

Everyone doesn't know - obviously.

Question Author

PMSL I seem to have been left on this planet where no one knows anything.

And you know it all.  😂

So which planet did you come from?

Question Author

18:32 no just the common general knowledge.

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T W A U ... The Chase...from Yesterday...part Deux

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