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A Place In The Sun

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smurfchops | 15:50 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

Jasmine Hartman's house hunters look like munchkins standing next to her.  She just towers over them, looks ridiculous.



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She's 5'9.  Was she wearing very high heels?  Danni is 5'11 and I've often noticed her towering over the buyers.

So why is that ridiculous ?

Is that important? (It's Jasmine Harman, by the way.)

There are tall people and small people on TV just as in everyday life - usually, nobody pays attention.

She's quite statuesque...should they dig a hole for her to stand in?

Or get soap boxes for the potential home buyers to stand on?

I have noticed that Danni will stand on higher ground than the buyers if possible. I doubt that is her choice but I always notice when there is a slope, bank or hill.

Maybe it's because I'm taller than most people and make a conscious effort not to tower over people 

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A Place In The Sun

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