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Dog Breeds

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ChloeM | 13:42 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Duck in retirement 10

Beware of the beast 7

Nothing gets inside this Harold 7

Thanks in advance for any help.



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3 pointer


Reminder of the site's guidelines to post the name of the quiz and the closing date when posting quiz questions.

2) Mastiff ?,English%20Mastiff%2C%20an%20enormous%20breed.

2  Griffon ?

Any ideas on the first one? All I can think of is 'retriever' but ...?

elliemay,  'retriever' is what came to my mind. But only insofar as it retrieves (?retires?) wildfowl.  Not convincing.

Only 9 letters

Drat!, You're right, scorpioj!

Question Author


questions I put to you all. 1. Beware of the Beast (7) 2. Nothing gets inside this Harold  answered as Pointer and third was Duck in retirement (10) Pekingese when queried setter used american spelling - seemingly 3 spellings for this. Thanks for your help . still need answer to Beware of the Beast please. Closing date wasn't on quiz sheet but it's 31 October 2024


Beware of the Bull

Bull is a beast

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Dog Breeds

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