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Not So Clverley

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New Judge | 09:30 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
19 Answers

It is suggested that “tactical voting” may have led to the downfall of James Cleverley in the Tory Leadership contest:

(It’s a Telegraph article so hit “escape” as the page is loading to avoid the paywall)



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This grovelling bunch of defeated Tory politicians couldn't even organise a pee up in a Brewery🤣
10:32 Fri 11th Oct 2024

Well it's a form of natural selection really, do we want someone stupid enough to do this as party leader?

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Or even Cleverly!

Mr Cleverly had 39 votes in round 4 of the ballot. In the final round he needed just 2 of the 20 votes which had been cast for Tom Tugendhat (who was eliminated in that round) to be sure of making It to the members’ ballot. However, not only did he not gain those two votes, he actually lost two.

It is believed that MPs were more interested in eliminating Mr Cleverly’s closest rival than they were in ensuring he went through. So who is the architect of this fiasco? Step forward none other than Grant Shapps, former MP and Secretary of State for most things before  being unfrocked in the GE. He was the chairman of the Cleverly campaign, supposedly “master of the spreadsheet”, whose job it was to make sure this sort of thing could not happen.

Mr Shapps didn’t need a spreadsheet. All he needed to do was to ensure Mr Cleverly secured 41 votes. How do such idiots make it to the top tier of government?

How do such idiots make it to top tier of government? I've spent many years wondering just that. I'm pretty sure I will go to my grave still wondering :0)

And now the moderate Tory members are binning their ballot papers because Kemi & Jenrick are both too right wing😂

You just couldn't make it up!

This grovelling bunch of defeated Tory politicians couldn't even organise a pee up in a Brewery🤣

not like SKS's beer & curry party during covid eh?

They couldn't even organise a secret Pee up in Downing St "Partygate" Without being discovered .Bunch of Amateurs

A far-fetched conspiracy theory IMHO.

Ockham's razor states that, among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

In other words; the simplest explanation is usually right! 

 In this case - not enough MPs wanted him as their leader. 🙂


So, Mr Shapps achieved a major win then ?

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"This grovelling bunch of defeated Tory politicians couldn't even organise a pee up in a Brewery🤣"

D'ya know what gully? I absolutely agree with you on this occasion (but don't go thinking I'll make a habit of it).

I'm off to the hospital now to have whatever tests they deem necessary to diagnose the condition that has caused this unusual activity in my brain. Meanwhile have a BA! 🤣 


A link for those on 'phones


11:06 ordinarily I'd agree but in this case fewer voted for cleverly than did before. They may have changed their mind but we should also the consider that an attempt at tactical voting went wrong.

Obviously they thought Cleverly was a shoo-in so switched their vote(s) to their preferred runner up, just over-cooked it a bit. Whoops!

I could be forgiven for thinking the party is in for more of the same.  They never learn.

Well if the useless Shapps (liberal) is trying to show horn in Notso (liberal) why should we be surprised?

//And now the moderate Tory members are binning their ballot papers because Kemi & Jenrick are both too right wing//

And I wonder exactly waht the number that did this was? 

Perhaps they would be better off in the Lib-Dem Party anyway?

voting for someone considered safe rather then someone radical who wants to drain the swamp, is it fear and if it is, fear of what.

I hope kemi wins the leadership race,she will make mince meat of starmer&co.

It never made any sense.

The only way this could have happened was if the Tugendhat supporters went for one of the right wingers, or some of Cleverleys supporters did like wise.

What a bunch of eejits 🤣

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