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Is History Repeating Itself.

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gulliver1 | 11:01 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
32 Answers

"When we asked for your vote," said the prime minister "we didn't   promise you instant sunshine. We pointed out that a nation can't accelerate down hill for years "***Like is has done so for the last 14 of them***.And suddenly return to Prosperity .We had to  start.. the long slow climb back up hill to recovery. I'm afraid some things will get worse before they get better.



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Still looking to be shown where the staving, freezing, suffering is, and general disasters are in this country?
11:35 Fri 11th Oct 2024

Nice bloke your 10 minutes are up, confirming you are not telling the truth, what makes it even worse is gulliver gives BA to somebody who cannot provide evidence of his postings and does not tell the truth.   Remind you of anybody?

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Gramps 12.08 "We will all know your not telling the truth" Thats a bit  rich coming from you after being such a keen  supporter of Boris, who has spent his entire life living on lies. And you and your lot believed every word he said.

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12.21 Can just imagine Gramps counting the seconds away on his stop watch ....Your time is up .....🤣Wonder if he did the same on july 4th when he was counting the seconds away to when the Tories time was up🤣

Yes history is repeating it's  self fast track back to the seventies.

Gulliver I believe that I have told your this before, but in case you have forgotten it I will remind you.  For 25 years I lived in a town that pin balled between Conservative and Liberal, but I was a member of the local Labour Party, and would knock on doors, although I knew the response I would get, but I persisted because I was a Labour supporter.  I was also a Trade Union official at national level for a large union.  When I moved home I joined the Labour Party in my new city, and then Corbyn was elected the leader.  Because at meeting I pointed out the dangers, as I saw them, of having Corbyn as leader I was verbal abused so much that I reported it to central office, but no action was taken.  I have never, I repeat, never been a supporter of Boris, but felt he would do better for the country then Corbyn, and his number 1 supporter Starmer.  I hope this will stop you making assertions which are not true.  Apologies will be accepted.

Jesus H, is this what News has come to 


This "pair" are a joke.

gulliver why is it pathetic for TTT to point out you and nicebloke are in cahoots?  Is pathetic a new word you've learnt and it sounds grown up?

History is repeating itself in more ways than one.   Gulliver you really need to get over your obsession with Boris.  Regardless of topic you can't resist mentioning him.  It's positively weird!

Gramps, if I may, don't even bother, because (a) Gulliver, in his small mind, has never been wrong (b) he will never, and has ever answered a question, (c) he has an unhealthy obsession with Johnson, (d) he thinks nicebloke is the font of all wisdom, (e) he is completely blind to the fact Labour are by far oursleazing the tories and are utterly incompetent, (f) he lies, constantly, and finally (g) he's a moron.

But nobody's perfect! 🤣

They come into office full of energy and hope.  Eventually they leave exhausted and dejected.

The man who said all political careers end in failure wasn't far wrong.

This lot didn't come into office full of hope.  They came into office full of deceit:

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