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Ees To Be Scrapped By The Eu.

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gulliver1 | 13:19 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
28 Answers

Common sense at last.The much delayed Entry -Exit System which would have  involved Brits being fingerprinted and photographed each time they entered the EU.Looks like being scrapped .This system would have caused long queues and delays at airports. I think Sir Keir may have had a hand in this one when he visited Brussels last week and could be his first gentle step to bringing Britain back into the EU.



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gulliver, about breaking Site Rules. You break numbers  1,2,3,5,9,19 every day.

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Why do the usual suspects always get so nasty with personal attacks (rather than intelligent debate) every time Gulliver posts - perhaps because deep down they know he's often right.

I make no apology for repeating a mantra I've expounded many times in the past, "Attack the post, not the poster".

agreed: I think Gullth is thweet

Canary42, people have a go at gulliver because as you put it, (rather than intelligent debate) is something he wont have.  Any sensible question he either ignores, answers sarcastically or starts a new thread as he did with this one as he didn't want to answer anything on his last thread.  They, myself included often have a go because many of these attack the thread and not the poster are actually started by him and he refuses to give a sensible answer.  Even you should be able to see that if you look and read many of the posts on that thread.

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So it seem like it was Boris that sold all you Brexiteers down the river then ,causing these restrictions by signing an agreement turning you into "Third Country Nationals"know throughout the EU AS TCNs.  Which brings significant changes to you..whenever the EU is involved

Postponed indefinitely it is reported. 

Just as well. Any nation that wants to treat me like a criminal instead of a welcome visitor can shove their country. Not that I plan any foreign visits. Been there, done that.

"causing these restrictions"


Ridiculous. One should not claim that which is patent nonsense. Any EU choice for hostility is it's own deliberate and unnecessary decision.

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