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I Wonder What Richard Whitely Would Have Had To Say About This?

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jackthehat | 13:20 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
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Penetrate - 18 points

Man D Vagesa.

Mr Whitely may have said 'I still can't believe they let me in front of the cameras'.

He may also have said "and why can't people spell my name correctly?...given it's Countdown!"

he might also have said "aww he's only playing..."


I put a call in to his agent who confirmed that Richard no longer cares about that stuff, gingejbee.

That's incredible, but I can't help thinking it's symptomatic of an emerging trend amongst the younger generation unfortunately.

and now it may be told..... ( actually tole before - but what the hell no one read it)

Ay was late for OU Maff summer school  - the one that got into the News of the Screws because of the sociologists er kissing.

And in the pub  I said to the avionics technician: " Linear bruising in the neck and I  can see some on you, the textbooks say is only due to throttling. (*) Come, tell me how you got yours"

and he said " you have read the book. There was a fight between mathematicians in the bar last night" - eek - 1983 I think

The dons went all fraughtie poose - I think Giles WIlson son of Harold was one -  and they discussed abandoning the course !

buut decided to wait and it all turned out OK - no one dead

(I think they had been told he was a Glasgow pub fighter and had decided to give him a chance...)

(*) I am a sad donkey: I read textbooks on morbid anatomy

( twelve: series 2,   they completely screw up the injuries you would expect if you fell donw a well) sozza sozza off point - I can see the mods taking on a nuclear glow

Whiteley  - I was expecting the Jack of Knaves - not Jack the knife !

yeah OK playing cards dont feature....

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