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//it won't return for 80,000 years //

I  don't blame it after its seen some of the posts on AB

they'd probably prefer to go and orbit round the Klingons.

I'm busy, I'll catch it next time round.


What hour of the day ? Can likely guarantee it'd be when there's loads of cloud; and likey raining.

-- answer removed --

just after sunset in the west.....

"On 12 October, the comet may be visible in the sky during the evening in the UK and USA. At this time, it will be at its closest point to Earth but still be 44 million miles away. The comet will also be visible on the 13 and 14 October in the early evening.

To spot the comet passing by, look towards the western horizon straight after the Sun has set. Speed is important here as there is only a small window to catch it. The comet will disappear roughly 30 minutes after the Sun sets."

Seems like a usual moderate day again.

how can there possibly be a removed answer in a thread about a comet?

7:20 pm ish allegedly.

Well T³, you obviously didn't note who the poster was.

Was it abbeylee wanting to know what wear while watching for it.

On a serious note we had a completely clear sky in Dorset last night and I went out about 730 as my house looks due West over open fields but I couldn't spot it. Not sure if it will be clear enough tonight as it's cloudy now. I was actually interested....

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Last Chance For 80,000 Years

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