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Next Neighbours Doing Building Work Today (Sunday)

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Treacle71 | 08:43 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
47 Answers

What should I do? About 7 years ago, I had to report them to my council who came round and they gave them a warning and told them, "Come on you have lovely neighbours. Respect them". They obeyed, 7 years later, today (Sunday) they're drilling all the render. The council doesn't open until 6pm tonight. What should I do? Seven years ago they even wrote a letter to us to apologise detailing the times of the week when they realised we when work should be done, but they're at it again!



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I don't think you can call one Sunday in 7 years 'persisting'.

Works by builders or contractors should only be carried out from 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) and 8am to 1pm (Saturdays), not on Sundays or bank holidays. If construction work is carried out outside of these hours you can report it as nuisance noise to your council.

Despite the sarcastic replies, Treacle has a point. 

It is annoying but it's far better to get on with neighbours than to fall out with them.  There could come a time when your house needs work.  Just bear with it.

Are they tradespeople or friends helping out with DIY? That is key.

Omg,  my neighbours (well next door but one to be exact), the guy has been renovating his house for over two years now. He is doing it himself with a couple of other builders helping him as and when he can afford them.One of them is working on it at some point most days of the week, but the main work is doing at the weekends as that's when he isn't working his main job, which is paying for most of this.  He starts most days about 7 am until, well, he stops lol. It's just the way it is. How else is he meant to do it. 

Well I can't see you can do anything until 6pm, by which time they'll have finished so they're unlikely to send council staff round today. And by tomorrow the neighbours may deny it. Its worth asking the council though what you're supposed to do if it happens next Sunday.

you could go and offer to help them - get it finished quicker...

Are these the same neighbours you took your mum round to the other day, complaining about dust on your car?

Barry it's not the key. The bylaws are for the construction noise not the persons making it. However there has to be a bit of give and take, especially if it only happens rarely. That's easy to say though , as when my next door neighbour started drilling our party wall at nine am on a Sunday morning I was very annoyed

It is key.  My council has no bye laws against DIY of any kind on Sundays, it could be construction, demolition and everything in between.

It's annoying and they probably couldn't care less that they are destroying your peace but it's probably a waste of time phoning the council because they won't do much and if they did, the work would probably be finished by then anyway.  We had building work going on 7 days a week by someone (he lived elsewhere and didn't have to put up with the din) and I eventually phoned the council.  They said "We'll make a note of it" and they did nothing.

I am wary about complaining about neighbours.  It doesn't make for good neighbourly relations and it can make it difficult to sell the house as you have to inform potential buyers about problems with neighbours.


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Thank you, auntiepoll xx

They have been knocking on our door every 15 mins since 8am while their builders are standing round drinking cups of tea and we've not answered of course cos we're knackered and still sleeping/not dressed. I don't know why they're knocking even 🤷. Anyway, as I type this they've taken off their overalls and gone. I rang 101 and they said to take pictures of the builders and their vehicles and to dqelay all what's gone on today to my local council when they open tonight which I will do.

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My second to last sentence should've said 'relay'.

I should imagine that they were knocking on your door to get your approval to do the work. As you did not answer on numerous occasions they knocked, they would have assumed that you were out, and therefore, you would not be disturbed by the work!

You should have spoken to them when they knocked, Treacle.   What if the work they're doing is an emergency?  You have no idea.  Whatever it was it was short lived because they've now gone.   In going to the council you may well be starting something you'll regret.  Don't forget you've got to continue to live there and making life unpleasant for yourself - which could be the result of your complaint - isn't a good idea.

Completely agree with Naomi. If they were knocking every 15 mins then they clearly needed to speak to you about something. The fact that you didn't answer means they will have to come back! And if you complain now you are going to have to say oh yes they did knock and knock - we just decided to ignore them.

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Nah, sticking to my guns. 

Is your mum sleeping through all this?

They've only been there a couple of hours.  I think you're being very unwise - and if the work was absolutely necessary - completely unreasonable.

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