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King Says A Republic Is Up To Australian People

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naomi24 | 13:26 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
5 Answers

//King Charles has confirmed that it is up to the Australian people to decide whether the country remains a constitutional monarchy or becomes a republic.


Ahead of the King's visit to Australia next week, the Australian Republic Movement exchanged letters with Buckingham Palace officials, writing on the King's behalf.


A referendum on the issue was held in Australia in 1999, where people voted to remain a constitutional monarchy.//


The quest rumbles on.  Should they stay or should they go?



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Charles attitude is quite right.

I don't think it's a should/shouldn't issue. It a subjective decision as to whether one wants to keep the tradition or separate from an old friend. And a lot would depend on whatever the Australian parliament intended to change as a result. One doesn't want to regret a decision after it's made. (Just compare with our recent General Election.)

The King is correct if they choose to have a referendum on it, then the vote should be respected. Unlike The Brexit vote here. 55% wanted to remain a monarchy 25 years ago, 25 years is considered a generation so I think another referendum now would not be unreasonable.

Can we vote on it in (for) the UK?

What could possibly go wrong with a referendum? 🤣

Good luck to them on that.I hope that they are not intending to sue the British government for £800 billion like a lot of the ***-h*le countries of the Commonwealth are planning to do as"reparations"for the slave trade?

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King Says A Republic Is Up To Australian People

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