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Just Found Room With A View On. Just Wonderful To Watch Again.

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ladybirder | 19:27 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

IF it's your cup of tea of course.



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I am recording this on channel 14 😊

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Ha, I was just looking at your post mentioning Maggie Smith. 

Have you seen Room with a View before Clementinto?  It's lovely.

Yes, ladybirder 😊 about three times I  think 

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We're as bad as each other.  It as been quite a while since I last saw it though so extra special.

Anything with Maggie Smith and Judi Dench has to be a must for me.

Ladies  in Lavender at least three times. Such beautiful violin music

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The operatic arias at the beginning of this one get me.

O mio babbino caro ? if I remember right .

good movie and book

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Just Found Room With A View On. Just Wonderful To Watch Again.

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