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The Other Side Of The Coin

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Canary42 | 19:31 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers


We hear a lot about husbands abusing their wives, but little of the reverse.  But from this article it would appear to be quite a problem as outlined by Mankind (link to their site below). 

I expect many macho males would consider this guy a wimp, but she said that if he raised a case against her she would allege that he abused her - that being more believable under current society norms.,as%20constant%20bullying%20or%20insults



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2% and growing - not news

known about for at least 40 y

A known issue and encouraged by statements of abuse, such as, "Take it like a man; if that's what you are", and similar.

I am still shocked by a recent programme of a husband being abused by his wife. I believe it was shown on ch5. The wife got jailed. Awful.

It's a societal issue in so far as it's not taken particularly seriously. A few years ago the awful Denise Welch was being interviewed by Piers Morgan and she said that during an argument she'd thrown a lamp at Tim Healy's head - this drew much hilarity from the audience. Had she told the story that Tim Healy had been the thrower the reaction from the audience would not have been one of mirth. 

My own son was physically beaten by his ex partner. He did not retaliate as she actually went to the police showing bruises on her wrist where he had tried to stop her hitting him, saying he was hurting her. He suffered bites, punches, kicking. She is now beating up a different person.

Lots on here will argue that men are the aggressors, but it isn't always the case.


The battleaxe wife with a frying pan in her hand is an old trope based in truth.

Denise Walsh and Tim Healy had very physical fights when they were both drunk, they were as bad as each other.  Denise often had to escape to a hotel.  Not defending or excusing either, nothing funny about such appalling behaviour regardless of gender.

//The battleaxe wife with a frying pan in her hand is an old trope based in truth.//

There used to be lots of cartoons with a turbaned wife waiting for behind the door with a rolling pin. 


//2% and growing - not news//

Well as not reported the 2% figure ios meanignless, the full scale is simply not known.  For whatever reason men do not report it.

And as "growing" then surely that is News?

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