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How To Read An Electric And Gas Meter New Ones

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grandpajoe | 21:31 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Technology
16 Answers

I am as thicck as a brick and find it impossible to read our Electric  and Gas meters They both are in thier boxes on an outside wall   E D F want a reading next week...  Cheers   Chris



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can you see numbers? just writethem down

If they are smart meters click the links at the bottom of this page

Well well well...


A traditional meter one just reads; but as soon as they add they word "smart" to their controllable latest type then one needs instructions. Sounds about right.

on our smart meters, both gas and electric, we press "9" to get a reading.

Not so smart if you have to press a button - my old style meter I just have to look at it to get a reading.

Same for me Canary.  Much smarter.

With your smart meters you get an IHD, In Home Display, which you can put in a convenient place, much more accessible to read in many cases than the meters themselves.

woopi do.

12.56. Are you going out of your way to be objectionable, or does it just come naturally?

Even if I tried hard I couldnt match you.

Try not to appear so pompus then you might get a better reception.

Perhaps we could help if you said why it was impossible to read them.

Why can't you read your meters?

Because he has an imperial ruler.

Tell EDF to come and take a reading themselves? Lazy bar stewards.

what's the problem? just write down the numbers??

Ask your neighbour to do it for you. Your neighbour surely has the same kind of meters.

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How To Read An Electric And Gas Meter New Ones

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