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Stupid Sign

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dustypuss | 10:58 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

While making the bed this morning I  noticed the washing instructions for the electric blanket. It actually said ( REMOVE FROM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY BEFORE WASHING) . Have you ever seen a stupid sign or instruction?



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Driving down the M5 a couple of weeks ago, one of the overhead signs readย  ย ..."Sign not in use". A sign to tell me that it was not a sign. ๐Ÿ˜•
12:08 Mon 14th Oct 2024

Probably there for American owners.

They have to cater for the vast majority of potential puchasers who will be thick as Merde de Cochon.

LOL! That did make me laugh.

Mind you - I once had an electric toaster which said Not Dishwasher Safe! 

On packets pf peanuts.

warning contains nuts

I was prescribed Aspirin by my GP and on collecting from chemist I read on the label attached by pharmacist 'may contain aspirin'

They put these labels on because some idiot has tried to claim compensation for doing the thing it warns against; or the law states the warning must be there (on packets of peanuts, aspirin etc).

My coffee jar tells me not to carry the jar by the lid. 

//My coffee jar tells me not to carry the jar by the lid. //

Uhh ?


The fact that a cup of coffee didn't carry a warning that it was hot cost McDonalds dearly. It is solely beause of the stupidity of the awarding judge that we now get all these declarations of common sense.

Somebody must have been carrying the jar by the lid without making sure it was on properly. Jar dropped, s/he tried to claim compensation 

Agreed, Canary. The companies have to protect themselves from idiots and the law

The warning notices cost nothin to produce and they do cover the firms from legal action.

Driving down the M5 a couple of weeks ago, one of the overhead signs read   ..."Sign not in use". A sign to tell me that it was not a sign. ๐Ÿ˜•

That motorway sign one is surely similar to the "this page is intentionally left blank" which we now see sometimes in publications (although such a statement is actually an oxymoron)

On one side of a packet of salt, 'Rested for 4 million years in the Swabian Alps.'  then on the other side, 'Use by 2028'.

12:08, I saw a motorway sign saying "40 animals in the road", I wondered who counted them.


Actually...I've seen a documentary about that coffee cup incident. There's more to it.

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