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A Joker In The Garden

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tatty1 | 14:55 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

all answers are names of vegetables, and all the questions areold jokes or cryptic teasers

11. a fun g(i)uy who is a bit of a (de)-composer?! (8)

31. Tomato teacher to slow little tomato pupils, says "hurry up! - you at the back there ...- (7) _ET_ _ _ _!" 

32. which veg are the hippiest of all? (4) _EA_, man!


closing date oct 18, for Staveley choral society, thanks in advance



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32 Peas, hippies would say 'Peace, man'.

11 Mushroom, fungi.

31 Ketchup

Is Ketchup a vegetable?

Well, no it isn't.  I did wonder when I made the suggestion. It is principally made of tomatoes, which are a fruit, anyway. But the joke works and it fits!

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A Joker In The Garden

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