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How Long Does It Alibaba

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JinnyJoan | 02:03 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

To send their order - thanks



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Alibaba is primarily a business-to-business organisation. (i.e. a wholesaler, rather than a retailer). It's function is to link up businesses in the UK (and, of course, elsewhere in the world) with manufacturers and suppliers in China.  As such, it provides a marketing portal to many thousands of such manufacturers/suppliers. (i.e. people aren't actually buying from Alibaba but from a business which advertises on their site).  So the service from one business trading through Alibaba might be very different to that from another business on the site.  

It would be unusual for a private individual to order through Alibaba.  However, if such an order was to be accepted, I'd expect the delivery times to be broadly in line with those from Temu

or the firm that AB won't allow me to mention directly but I'll try to link to anyway

(Both of those sites offer the same sort of service as Alibaba does but targetted at individuals, rather than businesses).

I've used the latter site many times and they've always delivered in under a week from ordering.  

Remember that if you buy from one of the sites above, they'll normally add 20% VAT onto the advertised price when you get to the checkout.  (That's actually good news.  If they didn't, the postie would demand the 20% instead but then add a further £8 on top of that by way of a customs examination fee).

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since we are alone Chris I have seen on the Alibaba - they sell the shower pods consisting   shower, sink and toilet in the pod.

I havent read it all through but do believe it can cost a few bob  for delivery. 

It seems to come in glass but of course I would like that to be covered in whatever it takes to keep private and warm when I get it.  Then my electrician can put me either an electric radiator or good blower heater.  Then the same fella/joiner can  do up some doors for the small lobby and other doors I would need 


I have a nephew who could install the bathroom stuff and I know a man who also does the joinery and electrics so I am just thinking - that would do me rightly without waiting for builders to come not come - in for a week then off for a week - you know the carry-on.

My nephew will be contacted on this and he can give me his opinion of whether this could all be done.  

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one last question - which one Alibababa or *Ad which shall not be named* is the best one to order from sssssshhhhhh.  Thanks

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ok Chris - Got it - thanks - getting this done this way would be ideal for me.  See what the nephew will say.  

Is this it?

I don't know how this could be insulated

I'm probably asking what's already been asked so apologies, but is all this so that you don't have to go upstairs JJ?

I thought that was the company that wasn't to be mentioned.

Or was that a different one ?

Yes, Smow.  JJ refuses a stair lift and a loo under the stairs so is looking for alternatives 

Ohh ok, thanks barry x

I have vaguley read a few of your posts on this topic JJ, I just hope those in the know will have advised you properly. I'm not in the know, I can see a bathroom pod advertised via alibaba, it is made of glass. You say your nephew knows what he's doing, is he a working plumber. Where will the water come from to feed the taps and cistern, where will the toilet waste go, what are you going to wrap it in to make more like a building,  how will the elctricity get in safely? It all seems a nightmare to me, I really don't know why you don't get a proper bathroom fitting shop to do it for you as a complete package. I can see a hundred places where this can all go horribly wrong, especially with all the different people involved and goodness knows how it arrives to you once delivered. Hopefully I am the one who's wrong....

They are made of glass?? What about privacy, or am I missing something obvious?

Prudie has said it all so well.

I remember these pods being posted a while back...and they seemed awfully expensive...especially if compared to a proper small toilet and shower extension. 

You'd save yourself a lot of money, angstand mither by having a stair lift installed, JJ. Why are you so averse to them?

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