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A House Through Time

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pastafreak | 19:58 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

For anyone interested, it's back Thursday night on BBC2



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That looks interesting pasta. Not seen that before x

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Smow, all the previous series are fantastic watching. So much research to tell, the stories of former home owners...going back several centuries jn some cases. They may still be on iplayer. 

Thanks Pasta, I've enjoyed the previous series.

This is series 5 (and a bit different as it looks at places in two locations)...all previous series are on iPlayer. Well worth watching - all of them!

Thanks for the reminder pasta.  Really enjoy this programme.

Have seen and enjoyed all his previous series.

A very knowledgable and interesting presenter.

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A House Through Time

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