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How Sick Are These People

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netherfield | 11:27 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
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Anybody that abuses a child is sick.

Can someone move this to News please. This does not belong in Chatterbank.

Or, close it. Thanks 

Pasta, I asked the Editors to move it earlier today.

Thanks Naomi. 

but with the disembodied screams - - did anyone call the police ?

They deserve to be put down like rabid animals.

//Urfan, a taxi driver, fled to Pakistan after allegedly killing his daughter and called police to say "I legally punished her and she died," the court was told. The 42-year-old man, from Woking, is said to have called police at 2.47am on August 10 last year, crying so much the operator told him to "take a deep breath and tell me what's happened".

During the eight-and-a-half minute call, Sharif told the operator: "I've killed my daughter. I legally punished her, and she died." He went on to say "she was naughty", adding: "I beat her up, it wasn't my intention to kill her, but I beat her up too much."// - Unbeliavabe, "legally punished"? It just beggars belief, why was the kid being "punished" anyway It just seems like callous abuse. Throw away the key.

I imagine when he said 'legally punished' he was speaking of Islamic law.   There's nothing legal in this country about beating children.


To them that is the law Naomi, nothing else matters.

And if we dont stand up to it then we will all be bowing to it soon.

In answer to the OP, I'm afraid I just dont understand these people.  They live in the Stone Age and need to go off to a hell hole where their belifs are held in high esteem.

This one is total scum.

naomi:"I imagine when he said 'legally punished' he was speaking of Islamic law." - ahh I see "Islamic law", so what could a child have done to be hit with a cricket bat? Burned with an iron? I know, all pretty standard stuff for the ROP.

TTT, nothing as far as I'm concerned, but he thought differently.

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