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Why Is There An Upper Age Limit, Currently 75, On The...

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sandyRoe | 15:16 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
11 Answers

... availability of tablets to deal with erectile dysfunction?



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Where have you seen that?

there are a lot of medicines which need to be used with caution in old people

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On-line pharmacies set an upper age limit.

I suppose it would be available on prescription from a GP.

Due to abuse. A lot of care homes were using them to stop their guests rolling out of bed at night.

This is purely guesswork but it occurs to me that getting an erection is achieved solely by more blood being pumped into one's penis.  (i.e. there are no muscles involved).  That, presumably, involves an increase in one's blood pressure. 

My guess is that health professionals have decided that there's too great a risk in giving a man over 75 something that will increase his blood pressure, as it's likely to be quite high to start with.

It's probably something to do with the likelihood of heart problems, also blood pressure as Buen said.

It's probably something to do with the likelihood of heart problems, also blood pressure as Buen said.

You can get too old for a lot of things, e.g. OH has been told he is too old for statins, amongst other things.

It's hard on the elderly.

Ouch, Douglas!

why would anyone want their erections made harder?

Interestingly, the British National Formulary website doesn't show any prohibitions or warnings about the use of Viagra in men over 75:

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Why Is There An Upper Age Limit, Currently 75, On The...

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