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How Do You Like The Thought Of A German Managing The English Football Team??

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Gizmonster | 19:57 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Football
14 Answers

Whatever your thoughts, you'd better get used to it:



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who cares if he wins something?

We had a Swede, so why not ?

Mind you, I can't see Tuchel lasting very long.

I would have appointed Sarina Wiegman.

No issues, none of the British managers have won anything (in 58 years)

Why does it matter? We have a New Zealander managing the England cricket team with great results. 

It'sow about business, now, not sport and patriotism - so why not?

Great, he's a very good manager. 

Our reigning monarch H M King Charles III is of German descent after all.

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Just to clarify my thoughts on this, I couldn't give a rat's ass on whether the England manager is male, female, German, Martian ..... if they win us something (for a change) .... I'm all for it  :)

He may have his work cut out in changing things. As German comedy ambassador Henning Wehn likes to say 'we Germans like a laugh as much as the next lot, the difference is we laugh after the work is done, not instead of'.

Too entitled and full of their own importance.

We might just start winning more penalty shoot-outs😉

Some pundits are already querying whether Tuchel will be singing the National Anthem. He obviously won't, along with half the team who don't.😆

Too much fuss about those who do or do not sing the dirge that is the National anthem. Singing it will not help anyone's performance.

The National Anthem was dropped from cinemas decades ago, it's about time it was dropped from sporting fixtures. Those of us Royalists are not less loyal just because the National Anthem isn't played. They could quit bending the knee as well.

As others have said, we might start winning  and let's be honest he couldn't be much worse than those who preceeded him.

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