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Advice Please (I Think I'm Right In My Decision)

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jourdain2 | 21:39 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
12 Answers

I'm 74, had pheumonia when a kid. Always had chest problems.  Idiot me was a teacher and suffered repeated infections (up to 5 series of antibiotics in the worst winter) including investigations for throat cancer.  

Been OK for at least 5 years, but began a fever at 5.00 a.m. Sun. as a prefact to a headcold.  Did all the usual, drinks, paracetamol, coddling myself etc..

This last 5 hours it has moved to my chest - it hurts awfully, burns when I cough etc. and Iam gasping for breath a bit. I am mildly asthmatic, but infection plus is not good.

For the 1st time in 40 years my sister and I are going on holiday on Tuesday next to Spain - for 3 days.  I can't believe the timing  We've both had the 'year from Hell'.  Both broke our hips, she lost her husband as well. This trip (hard to afford) has been booked for 6 mths.. We've so been looking forward to it.

I'm inclined to (for the first time ever) ring GP tmorrow morning and ask for antibiotics.  Do you think I'll be lucky?  Any other helpful comments?




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Yes. Give your GP a ring tomorrow and stress your breathing difficulties and pain. 


Call 111 and describe your symptoms.  They'll tell you the best way forward.

(Alternatively, enter your symptoms here: ).

Get well soon!

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Thanks, glad to have confirmation - my voice has now all but gone. 

For what it's worth, I think you should look after yourself and not travel. Also, I don't think you should ask the doc for antibiotics; it's for the doc to advise, not you. Overuse of antibiotics is resulting in evolution of bugs so that new ones are multiplying which don't respond to the drugs any more, and that's not good for others who really need treatment.

But that's just my view; you will doubtless do what you feel is best.

Good wishes.

any burning when you cough suggests a chest infection. call your gp tomorrow, but don't just ask for a secific medication, take your gp's advice, meanwhile don't try to self medicate, as it can be dangerous to suppress a cough if you have asthma. hope you get better soon. 

I wonder whether you should go on your holiday - if you get worse while you're abroad you could be in trouble. You should be able to claim on your insurance I would have thought? It happened to me when my BP shot up and I got my money back, minus the excess. Of course your sister might not be able to claim. I agree with the comments which say don't ask for antibiotics - let the doctor advise you.  Hope you feel better very soon.

I know nothing about health insurance so sorry if this is a daft question.  Would the fact that Jourdain knew she was ill before she went on holiday mean they would not pay her?

To Ladybirder. Possibly yes

Thank you calm.  I hope J sees this.


pay her for what, ladybirder?

Think they mean that the insurance may well not pay her out if she went on holiday knowing that she felt ill. 

Ring your GP for advise if nothing else. Its a double edged sword. You may find a holiday in a warmer climate might do you the world of good. Or the flipside is you could get worse, which is not what you want in another Country. 

Leave the GP to decide. 

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