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Longer Than A Lettuce.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:56 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Politics
18 Answers

Indeed 2TK has lasted longer than the Lettuce but even LT didn't lose an MP in her short tenure and she didn't impoverish 10 million pensioners and give a croney the keys to no 10 whilst buying £45k worth of clobber on his Saville Row account. Nice going!



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//Saville Row account. //

Is that a Jimmy Saville Row account? 

No resigning of the whip but hardly a tour-de-force.

It was all a long time ago now so here's a wee timeline to refresh fading memory:

Yay, go Liz, etc.

are 10m pensioners really impoverished by losing the equivalent of £16 pm?

i bet loads of them have cars, TVs, smoke, like the people who make your lip curl by going to foodbanks when no-one can possibly be starving cause theres no such thing as poverty in britain

BA Bednobs!

Bednobs 20.34 "theres no such thing as poverty in Britain " That must be correct because Naomi said so.

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20:34 like the food bank lot you were defending the other day then!

food is considerably more expensive than £16pm

10 million pensioners will not be impoverished. Not all pensioners are on the breadline; those that are but don't qualify for pension credit will miss the WFA, the rest won't.

Not only that    ... The Wall St Journal is now saying that the run on the bonds was not caused by Truss or Kwarteng but was actually a put up job generated by The Bank Of England. "That is the belated conclusion of new research from the central bank at the heart of the fiasco that brought down a prime minister and allegedly discredited supply-side economics.";reflink=article_email_share

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^^^ anyone find the full text of that article.

In fairness Tora, although Truss might not have lost an MP, she did inspire a swift mutiny against her. She was out the door before you could say "et tu Richi"

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yes but that sounds like and interesting article in the WJ. I thought at the time it was a massive overreaction, there may be more to it.

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Gulliver, 20.42 sat.  this is the second time in days I've told you that isn't true and yet you persist in saying it.  I won't tell you again.

Is that a Jimmy Saville Row account? 

complete with harvey Proctor shirts - - and presumably Jeff Dahmer ties

I'm hoping the good people of Iceland will help out poor pensioners - just as they did when we had the last Labour government.

We don't forget

Jimmy Savile

Savile Row



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Longer Than A Lettuce.....

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