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JuNaBP | 22:51 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
22 Answers

Why is it sad that for a toddler or elementary school aged child, adults and teenagers are like very intimidating, super strong Giants when standing next to, speaking with, or picking up the child? Your average grown-up is not intimidating, and it’s just average strength, and honestly isn’t that big. Can someone please explain this to me?



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This is that same idiot that asks why he can beat his 5 year old daughter at arm wrestling isn't it?

Where do you get your initial premise, 'why is it sad for a toddler... ' from?  Where is it said that, or who thinks that  this is 'like very intimidating..' ? You seem inordinately puzzled about something that seems known only to you, so how can we explain it to you? 

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