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The Sun Has Got Its Hat On

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nicebloke1 | 09:31 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Hip hip oo ray. Off I go for a days fishing. Have a good day all.



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So the sun has become gender neutral now?😎

Have a great day fishing. Take a rain coat though.

No sun here, dismal and grey.

Enjoy your fishing trip. If you have a bad day, you can always reel a few more in on AB.....You seem pretty good at it.🤣

BA for Gulliver.

Never understood this expression.  Surely if the sun had a hat on it would be emitting less light and heat?

Maybe the heat that would have been lost through the top of the sun into space will be reflected/redirected down to earth.

Maybe it's a tinfoil hat.

Looks like I have reeled one in also ..

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The Sun Has Got Its Hat On

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