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British Gas Bill

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Ric.ror | 20:42 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I have BG for both gas and electric but I haven't had a bill since April either on the App or via post

anyone else had problems?



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How do you pay for them?

No, every three months, regular as clockwork.

Good luck getting to the bottom of it all by the way, not a very efficient or communicative organisation.

have you checked the website

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I pay monthly - not by DD 

I rareley get asked for meter readings from BG.  When it's been a while I go into their website and put readings in there.  I will then get a bill within a few hours.  I do have a DD going out every month that more than covers the amount so all good.

No bill doesn't sound a problem.


I get cards pushed through the door requesting a reading, presumably delivered by the person who opts not to open the box and take the reading themselves. That's BG for you.

A smart meter saves all this meter reading malarkey.

Except when it doesn't work and they won't come out to fix it.

ladybirder, I used to pay by direct debit. Till the day I actually looked at it and founded they had generously debited £3000 more than they were entitled to.

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British Gas Bill

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