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British Gas Bill

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Ric.ror | 20:42 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

I have BG for both gas and electric but I haven't had a bill since April either on the App or via post

anyone else had problems?



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How do you pay for them?

No, every three months, regular as clockwork.

Good luck getting to the bottom of it all by the way, not a very efficient or communicative organisation.

have you checked the website

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I pay monthly - not by DD 

I rareley get asked for meter readings from BG.  When it's been a while I go into their website and put readings in there.  I will then get a bill within a few hours.  I do have a DD going out every month that more than covers the amount so all good.

No bill doesn't sound a problem.


I get cards pushed through the door requesting a reading, presumably delivered by the person who opts not to open the box and take the reading themselves. That's BG for you.

A smart meter saves all this meter reading malarkey.

Except when it doesn't work and they won't come out to fix it.

ladybirder, I used to pay by direct debit. Till the day I actually looked at it and founded they had generously debited £3000 more than they were entitled to.

I submit my own meter reading and get a bill every three months. I don't want DD or a so-called smart meter thank you. 

As far as electricity goes, I keep getting text messages from E-on saying there is a problem with my smart meter, which is odd as I dont have a smart meter. Every time I get one of these text messages I try to report it 7226 but that never works for me

Same here 10C.

I certainly dont want a "smart" meter, they are anything but and wont save you a penny.

I've said it before, but I'll repeat.  My smart meter has saved me a fair bit of money - and time

Oooops! It's 7726 isn't it? Not 7226. 

ladybirder, if the smart meter isn't working properly it must be investigated and fixed, the same as a 'dumb' meter (my old dumb meter went haywire and it took months to sort out with the help of the Ombudsman, I was left severely out of pocket).

If you mean the in-home display, there is no obligation to repair or replace if you've had it more than a year

@Ric.ror - We switched to BG in August and yet to get a statement/bill.

Paying monthly by Direct Debit. Supposed to be billed monthly.

Asked on chat to be sorted 3 times now and they say they will but don't. 

Be careful - your bill may have exploded through the roof.....

yea. I should  have been more proacive - I know I am  wtv BG and should have sent in meter readings

then they estimated the cross over between higher and lower prices - did I think they favoured themselves? yup and had no evidence to dispute it.

so I paid

they say they will but don't. 

no try Scots Power - they just cut you off !

( and reconnection is like a scene from Viincent Price's The pit and the pemdulum - with you as the swinging pendulum, trrying to enter in the 15 digit code, upside down!) pushed to and fro by two compliant grandchildren, and as you whizz past you try to add digits to the fixed box.

Your boots have been nailed to the ceiling - box so low down see- so the box is upside down but at least you can see it. And the strip is only illuminated for a few seconds as you whizz past


Overt hatred on show here.

“Hatred is never anything but fear – if you feared no one, you would hate no one."

Hugh Downs

sorry - wrong thread

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