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Bbc Quiz : Week 42

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Buenchico | 20:04 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Good evening once again!

A 'middling' FOUR out of seven for me in the main quiz this week:


. . . but only a lowly TWO out of five in the junior one:


Your turn!



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2 and 2. 

Good evening Buen x


4 😃 

4 and 5 (with a lucky guess)

Mmmm. Not good. 2/7 and 4/5. I'm still pedalling backwards, Chris! 😊

Good grief!



Considering I don't follow the news muc, I'm well chuffed. Think I'd better have a lie down.

4/7 v 4/7

2/5 v 3/5

Well! That makes a change 

Finally made contact with Cat Rescue. Sadly, Shara has been adopted. I am now awaiting a home visit to ensure that I and the premises are suitable recipients.  🤔

Question Author

Thank you, Clover!

I'm feeling better now 😊


Well done, Patsy and Scorpiojo!

You're in the joint lead!


At least you're much better at being a kid than I am this week, 10CS 😄

Question Author

Well done, Cap'n!  

Good scores!


Well done on beating me this week, Haras2!

I'm sorry to read that you didn't get Shara but at least you seem to be making some progress on the adoption front.

4/7 & 4/5 (stupid charts)

Evening Chris.






Hope this finds you well  ; ))

Question Author

You're slipping, Lie-in King!

Only second place this week!

Well done amyway, though 😊


Hiya, Sam!

I'm well thanks (barring a cracked rib, that is!).  I hope that you're well too.

6 sounds like an excellent aggregate score to have this week 😄

Oh dear! 😂😂




Hello all ( and kitties, puppies etc.). Been poorly this week, so had time to dawdle around.  It didn't do me much good in the adult's quiz with 3/7...... BUT a decent 4/5 in the kids' has cheered me up.  Aggregate of 7 is fine by me.

So relieved that we have a good GP Surgery, really on the ball and got me onto antibiotics and steroids for my chest 'hacking' so quickly.  Well on the road to recovery.  We talk about moving because we really need a bungalow - but we daren't move out of their cachement!!


Head in the sand a bit in the main... obviously.

Main: 3/7
Jnr: 4/5

How did you crack a rib Buen - or have I missed something from earlier in the week. It is very painful, I know. Did you fall off a horse, like me?

Question Author

Er, what can I say, Rocky? 

"Better luck next week", perhaps?

Thanks for joinning in, anyway!


Hi, Jourdain2!

I'm glad that you're on the road to recovery.  (I want to read that you're dancing the can-can by Christmas!)  😉

Well done on beating me this week!


Someone else has beaten me too, I see!

Well done, Arky!

'SNAP!' Arky!

Question Author

I don't do active things like horse-riding (or, in your case, 'horse-falling'), Haras2.

The medications I'm on can weaken my bone density.  I was simply lying on my back in bed, pinned down by Tablo on my chest, when I tried to reach a book that was to one side of me.  As I did so, I felt a sudden pain in the side of my chest, which I initially thought was just a muscle tear.  However, having tried to sleep with any pressure at all on my rib cage, I'm now fairly certain that I've actually cracked a rib 🙄

Having suffered twice from a cracked rib - I can only offer you my deepest sympathy, Buenchico. I'm sure you know the drill:  painkillers and if you get any blood in your mouth report to A&E . I'm afraid that it usually gets a bit worse before it gets better.  You havemy very kindest thoughts and best wishes.


Question Author

Thanks, Jourdain2.

This is nowhere near as bad as when I was setting up an amplifier for a school disco and stepped back to hear the sound quality better.  As I found out, that's not actually a very good idea when one's standing on the front of a stage!  There was a mighty "Crunch!" when my ribs hit the edge of the stage!

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