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Overcast, Raining, Windy, And Cool Enough To Prompt The Thought..

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sandyRoe | 16:33 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

...of turning the heating on.

It's not really s season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, is it?



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What a cold,cold year its been sandy.Cant remember a colder year.And eejits still go on about"Global Warming",aye,right.We are being lied to by these GW numpties.

Ours is on already.  Wife is cold so on it goes.

Well it was misty here this morning, then sunny and mild.

No heating on and the front half of the house is 23C.

Err  - my heat is on everyday this year and sometimes while oil heating is on - I turn on my fantastic blow heater (fire) on for about 10 minutes.


Turn it on Sandy - it is very cold in the grave  - be kind to yourself.

It's not Global Warming now it's Climate Change.a load of b:::::::cks.

I see that some don't realise the difference in "climate" and "weather".

Ours has been on for weeks - OH's heart is playing up and it needs to be 21/22C in our house.  I'm recovering from chest infection and subsequent asthma inflammation - again, warmth required.

Had freezing fog this morning.  Been a cold year - it happens, check out 1663.


16.52.We realise the difference all right and we realise when we are being lied to also.

I don't believe it - you complain that climate change is a hoax then you complain because it's different this year. So reality is a hoax - Righto.

We don't have Polar Bears (as they do at the same latitude in Canada) becauce of the Gulf Stream. Climate change may interfere with the Gulf Stream, making us colder.

@17.13.Because it was all about"Global Warming"at one time,then when they realised it wasnt warming up,they changed it to"Climate Change",next week it will be"Global We Dont Know Our Aresols From Our Elbows".Anyway i know up here in Aberdeen(where its always cold),this year must go down in the record books as the coldest for a long time.

It ain't over yet;-)

We're away from home and the sun has been shining brightly all afternoon. We had a smattering of rain and a bit of mist on the way here but it's been a lovely afternoon.

however.....rain, torrential, is forecast for tomorrow 💦

My heating has been coming in since August

We've had the heating on several times in recent weeks and our gas usage is about 50% up on the same month last year. Wonder how long it will be before I get an email from my supplier inviting me to increase my monthly payments.

I'm sure someone will be able to explain why global warming is making it colder.

I've said it before but I think it bears repeating.

As a young child the next big thing, they told us, was the coming ice age.

How's that working out? Not taxable and there's a new bogey man on the block.

We’ve taken the candle out of its container, if it get much colder, we will light it.

In a response to Douglas' point.  Fred Hoyle (physicist) was an O.B. of my Grammar school - so we were encouraged to pay attention to him.  He was so convinced that another ice-age was on the doorstep that hesold-up and went to live high in the Lake District with stores and everything needed for self-sufficiency.  He may have been 30/40 yrs. out.  Not all that long in the earthly calendar. 

We were only coming out of a mini-ice age in the 1950's.  No reason why the next 'mini' should not beon the horizon.  Out of our control.  We must live with change - as we always have.

It's been gloriously warm and sunny here in Suffolk today, with people dining al fresco outside bars and cafés!

Bruce Berry was a working man
He used to load that Econoline van
A sparkle was in his eye
But his life was in his hands
Well, late at night when the people were gone
He used to pick up my guitar
And sing a song in a shaky voice
That was real as the day was long
Tonight's the night, yes, it is
Tonight's the night
Tonight's the night, yes, it is
Tonight's the night

Neil Young

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