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Good Morning Saturday Birds….

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Smowball | 09:04 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Really dark here & tipping down with rain, feels much much earlier than it is. Nothing planned for today - I've got to buy a couple of birthday presents online. Was going to spend an hour or so in the garden clearing up all the leaves in the patio before they got all soggy and slippy but looks like that's not gona happen now(unless I get drenched).

My friend is still on holiday in Montenegro until Monday - he says it poured with rain there yesterday too, which didn't amuse him lol.

So looks like a day indoors doing god knows what, am sure there's a hundred little jobs that need doing! Not sure about TV -  daytime TV seems to be pretty rubbish days, it's sport or nothing!



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Morning, Smow and all

It's a dank miserable day here, too.  Housework for us, yippee.  There is a lot of very good programmes on iPlayer and ITVX, apart from racing this afternoon on ITV there is very little sport on the main channels.

I can get lost in YouTube videos.  We have friends who live on narrowboats and vlog, so we follow their adventures, and other narrowboat vloggers.   Pleasant way to spend half an hour or so.

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Morning Barry, I was actually just watching a programme the other day about the actor Timothy West & his wife Prunells Scales, where they were on a narrowboat holiday & how they'd loved it for years. 

Good morning all. I'm just back from Covid (left arm) and Flu (right arm) jabs - heavy rain was forecast so I was dreading a wet trudge to the surgery but in fact it was patchy sun with no sign of rain (but must have been heavy overnight as large puddles everywhere).

Nothing planned for today, except probably a nap later I expect as I'm not usually up as early as I had to be this morning (7 o'clock, for 8:30 appointment).  

Lovely and sunny here so hope to get some gardening done while it lasts.

So many leaves coming down and some pruning still to do.

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Morning Canary - at least you've got your jabs over with, did you have to walk far?? x

 Morning Gill, and where in the country are you with this sunshine?? Can you send some here please lol.

Morning all. Its blue skies here at the moment, a short interlude before storm (Ashley?) hits us tomorrow. Nowt happening here either, oh what an exciting life I lead lol.

Have a happy day y'all

Sorry - good morning.

In Cornwall, smow. Got to make the most of it as we have had a lot of rain.

Must get motivated!


G'day all that visit, still colder and wetter than it should be downunder, weatherwise!!.

Nowt to do with my ageing body parts.

Hopefully summertime isn't too far away for us.


///...did you have to walk far?? ///

It's about half a mile - I got a bus back but service not very reliable so couldn't risk it for outgoing trip 😊

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Morning Rosetta, it's actually quite windy here at the mo (London) but sky does look as tho it's attempting to stop raining..

Gill, my youngest lives in Paignton and he says theyve had a ton of rain too - but it's beautiful where he is tho so he gets away with it a tad lol.

1ozzy - good morning! And what's your temperature today then? (The atmosphere, not your body lol!)

Snow, Tim and Pru owned their own narrowboats for many years and have been active campaigners for the restoration and re-openings of canals.  We enjoyed their canal series over the years

Hit a top of 18c today Smow, colder than usual, I had 3 layers of clothing on plus a beanie.

Where has spring sprung to?

Defo ain't here yet 😰

Lovely and sunny down here in Devon. Popped into local coffee shop yesterday morning and ended up there for ages, talking to a couple on holiday and a local who has lived here for all his 73 years who was very interesting.

Great meal in a small restaurant 3 minutes walk away, at the end the owner/chef came out and spent time chatting  to all us customers.

Today is turning a cupboard in the hall full of shelving into a coat cupboard.


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This will make you all laugh! (Apart from me...). Ive opened the fridge to get something off the top shelf, and as I pulled out what I needed a can of lager that was wedged onto the shelf shot out, smacked me straight in the right eye and then kept falling till it hit the kitchen floor. Have a wonderful bright red line right across my eye and it's throbbing like hell..... lol. Could be worse, could you imagine if I'd cut it and had to go to get stitches?? " Well, you're not gona believe this but, I opened the fridge and a can of lager leapt out and smacked me in the eye!!"..... " Of course it did madam...... 🙄"....

Good morning Smow and everyone.

Kicking off a bit early aren't you Smow.

Accident prone not drinking 😉

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lol, morning Arksided : ) 

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