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New Mobile Mask

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BigRooster | 17:12 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Technology
6 Answers

We have a new mobile mask near us it's been there 4 months but not online yet so how can I find out when



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Ofcom: Provides information on mobile masts, including UK policy for their siting, and measurements of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure levels. You can also contact Ofcom by phone on 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040. 


Do you know which mobile phone provider's service it'll be carrying? The vast majority of masts only cary one service (although BT has recently entered into a deal where their EE service can share masts with some other providers).

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This one I think it's "3"

Is it in Ireland?

When I was a planning officer, I was always puzzled that many objecteres to mobile 'masts' referred to them as 'masks'. I don't think it was finger-trouble, but perhaps it was predictive text.

Rooster, I'm not sure what you mean by 'online'. Do you mean up and running, or do you mean publicised to enable public comment? You could ask the local planning authority if it has planning permission (if necessary) or knows who the operator will be, and then ask the operator when it will be activated.

A bit of googling suggests that some Three masts have taken over 6 months to become operational but there's no official way of checking.

The postcode coverage checker ought to provide an indication as to whether there's an operational mast nearby though:

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