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Queen Elizabeth Ii Lives On

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DTCwordfan | 18:52 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
27 Answers

Just on the Beeb News.....the projection of King Charles III & Queen Camilla on to the leaves of the Sydney Opera House Roof delayed by an hour....the cause - her aircraft-carrier was in the way! Delicious..... is this her protest from above to losing monarchial influence over the stroppy country?



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I would object personally but I wanted to confirm with you while you were around and asking as a Mod.

If you don't care, I'll let it go.


I feel a sudden impulse to stand and salute the Union Jack whilst singing Rule Britannia now Corby.

That's going to be a night long earworm.

What a restless night I'll have😪

"Legal process" my foot lol. if the uk decided to become a republic there's not a thing the commonwealth could or would do about it

people are too keen to bow and scrape before monarchs. i think it's disgusting. 

How come all our former colonies,apart from say Singapore,(mostly in Africa)have reverted back to"failed state"status?And thousands of their residents are flocking to their former slave-masters here in the UK?These colonies couldnt wait to get rid of us,will we be getting thousands back from Australia if it becomes another failed state?

@10.50.Welcome back Gromit.

Thanks Corby, but not much rattles my cage.

The few high and mighty know it alls on here supply me with lots of amusement.

Long may it last 😉


"...will we be getting thousands back from Australia if it becomes another failed state?"

There is no chance of Australia becoming a "failed state" if it becomes a republic. The time when former Dominions, Colonies and Protectorates begin to fail is not when they ditch the Monarchy, but when they gain their independence from British rule and administration and British poers are relinquished.. Australia (along with New Zealand) did that in 1986, Canada and Newfoundland in 1982. None of them has shown any signs of being a "failed state" in the intervening 40 years or so.

However, there are more than 60 nations which have gained independence from the UK. Many of them can certainly be classed as "failed states". I think the difference between the two is that the likes of Australia, New Zealand and Canada are populated by people who get on and do things. Many of the others are populated by people who sit round waiting for other people to do (and pay for) them.


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