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Best Gas Providers

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SparklyKid | 20:14 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

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cheers canary

Depends how you measure them- quality of the gas (all the same!), prices, service levels for phone calls and complaints, ease of use of website/app, accuracy of estimates, how quickly they refund credit balances, green credentials, etc

Octopus 🐙 

Sprouts and baked beans

Octopus here as well...been a Which? Recommended Provider for energy for several years.

We're with Ovo, have been for a long time. As long as they keep the gas (and electricity) coming, we have no complaints. They ask us to send in gas and electricity meter readings once a month, which is no problem, and they take a fixed amount of cash out of our bank account once a month. Incidentally, Ovo have reduced the fixed amount more than once, so we can't say that they are profiteering from us. Ovo have never done anything that indicates that they don't trust us to do the right thing.

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thanks all octopus dont do my area

do NOT do scottish Poewr - awful - cut me off when I was in credit - the first act that said they should not do that was the gas Act 1875

I switched to the gas and elec people "Outfox The Market" last month (Recommended by Martin Lewis the money guy) and so far for me all good 

Most of my family use Octopus and none of us have had issues with them so far.

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