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40,000 London Finance Jobs Lost Due To The Brexit Disaster

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Hymie | 22:29 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
20 Answers

If only someone posting on AB had the foresight to see this disaster (and warn people).



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Wow so much success with fewer working there. Doesn't sound much of a disaster.

yes Hymie if only someone on AB cd add, the future might have been different and happier

they dont ( add) - and we are where we are....

as the divine BoJo might have quipped to the adoring Abers ( and others!) vae victis ! - julius cheezer - words of Brennus

Let them eat independence.      Oh and border security as well!!

//But he said the City of London was growing, including in fields beyond finance, with new jobs that compensated for the fallout of Brexit. Worker numbers have swelled to 615,000 as insurers and data analysis sectors grow, he said.//

So a net INCREASE of 570,000 jobs. What a disaster!

Poor old hymie.  

Let them eat independence.      Oh and border security as well!!

why dont they eat their blue passports ( Marie-Antoinette 1789) - OK un mimsy in the xtreme - action: delete

Seems like they have lost their jobs But just look what they have gained..Sovereignty Wow ...Trouble is Sovereignty won't pay your mortgage will it....Suckers you shouldn't have listened to Worzel Gummidge. He is the only one living in the Sunny Uplands while you lot are paying for it🀣

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Poor old Hymie – No, I don’t have employment in the financial sector in London; neither do 40,000 who did (due to Brexit).

Boris didn't actually influence my vote (or I suspect most others). Voter intentions on Brexit were decided even before Boris himself committed to Leave.

but don't let that get in the way of your bigotry...

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Remember David Davis saying that there would be no downsides to Brexit – he forget to add the caveat ‘unless you are a UK citizen’; in which case you might very well lose your job and be unable to live in your property in Italy.

40.000 Jobs lost ..The true cost for getting that crown stamp back on your pint glass...

... and the blue passports - made in France πŸ˜€

Hymie 09.38  UK Citizen..AKA..  "Third Country Nationals" According to the EU

All thanks to English Tories and Scottish SNPers.Thanks folks.

No worries, we need lots of hands to collect all that free shell fish in the Thames estuary. <:•)

Not funny nicebloke.Our seafood factory employs about 150 people.If our boss hadnt shelled out(no pun intended)a couple of hundred thousand pounds to set up a base in Spain so that we could export our excellent seafood to Spain,Portugal and France then me and another 149 people would be sitting on the dole.

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Only around 2,500 jobs were lost recently at the Port Talbot steel-works, over which much fuss was made.


I’m willing to bet the 40,000 finance jobs lost in London were much better paid (each paying much more tax to the exchequer).

Look at the bigger picture hymie not just one one tiny bit. For example the growth in insurance and other sectors in London which offsets the loss in banking jobs.

More cherry picking.

we are managing fine without them,,brexit was not a disaster the deal that the tories negotiated was a disaster

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40,000 London Finance Jobs Lost Due To The Brexit Disaster

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