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dimm memory

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kujawski | 16:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Computers
2 Answers
I have a lot of old dimms 128 and 256 mb.Does any one know if one can get a expansion board that plugs into a standard 168 pin dimm socket that allows you to add more dimms per slot.


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It is not just the number of pins but memory speed has also changed.

The speed of the memory has to match the speed of the motherboard.

Old memory cannot match the speed of modern motherboards.
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thanks but i know that,
ok, sorry didnt mention its an old mother board that accepts these, it has 3 slots so a max of 768 mb,(using 256's), but what i was wondering is there such a thing as a expansion board that would allow for addition of more dimms.

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