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Canb Someone Tell The S N P What Genocide Is........

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ToraToraTora | 21:25 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
17 Answers

It seems the SNP only tolerates "correct" opinions.



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Can you tell me what is meant by, "genocide"?

Well, as rare as it might be, I agree with Tora here. Genocide is the systematic extermination of a specific group of people, whether it's a race, religion, gender or nation.


What's happening in Gaza isn't a genocide (although I dare doubt that if Netanyahu thought he could get away with it he'd jump at the chance), it's a massacre.

'A UN human rights expert says she believes Israel has committed "acts of genocide" in Gaza.

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, presented her report to UN member states in Geneva on Tuesday.

But Israel has already dismissed her findings.

This comes amid growing international pressure on Israel to stop the war or to do much more to protect civilians.

Ms Albanese concluded that "there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against Palestinians as a group in Gaza has been met".'

The main reason the world is ignoring the plight of those living in Gaza is that their skin is the wrong colour and they worship the wrong God.

@00.19.Well they all look mighty white to me and i thought we all worship one God,even the Muslims agree on that one.Did you mean Gods messengers on Earth?

Anyway,i think all of us on AB agree with John Masons remarks.Anyone on here disagree with him?

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This amused me:

//The SNP Member Conduct Committee, which ruled that Mason should be expelled, accused Mason of claiming to be the “arbiter” of what is considered to be genocide, describing that as “unacceptable and offensive”.//

Which, of course, is exactly what they are doing.

As for the UN report, a document that is entitled "Anatomy of a Genocide" seems to suggest the report's conclusion had already been reached before the author put pen to paper (apart from the title).

If  the UN wants to investigate any attepts at genocide in that wretched region it may do well to look at the other protagonists as well (e.g. those who chant "from the river to the sea").

Meanwhile there are still over 100 hostages who have been held for over a year and whose fate has not been confirmed.


"It seems the SNP only tolerates "correct" opinions"

rather like someoneelse i know

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"The main reason the world is ignoring the plight of those living in Gaza is that their skin is the wrong colour and they worship the wrong God." - nope, the main reason is that they started it and Israel has a right to protect itself.

While I do not think there has been one yet, I will say that I do believe there are many in the Israeli government (and I dare doubt a fair few on AB) who would welcome a Muslim genocide.

Imagine that there was some terrorist organisation based in the UK, and that terrorist organisation carried out an attack on France, killing over 1,000 and taking 250 people hostage.


According to TTT, it would be quite reasonable for France to then destroy virtually every building in the UK, and kill at least 6 million UK citizens (I think not).

If we did nothing about it and the UK terroist groups was firing hundreds of rockets into France and invaded and raped, muredered and mutilated rave goers, then put the dead body of a stripped rpaed and murdered woman in the back of a truck to parade round at the same time as filming it all.  And then we in the UK all cheered at the rape, murder and mutilation YES, France would be right in attacking us.

The wrong god ? I know some religions are into myths & fables about multiple gods, but don't the jewish, christian, and muslim religions all believe in a single god, which inevitably has to be the same one given that they all attribute the same deeds to it ? 

It seems Hymie hasnt came back onto this posting to explain his crazy(offensive,even?) [email protected] wonder why?

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12:15 France would be within their right but I'd like to think we'd round up the terrorists ourselves and give the hostages back.

"Imagine that there was some terrorist organisation based in the UK, and that terrorist organisation carried out an attack on France, killing over 1,000 and taking 250 people hostage."

Well, you've left out a few vital bits (not unusually).

Hamas is not "some terrorist organisation that happens to be based in Gaza. It is the de facto ruling body of that area, having defeated its rival party in elections almost twenty years ago.

So your question should begin (something like) "Imagine that there was some terrorist organisation based in Kent which had taken control of that County in local elections and which the UK government had allowed to dominate that that county and establish  absolute rule there. In doing so, it set out on a reign of terror against France and the French (which it would like to see wiped off the face of the Earth) because it felt that France was rightfully theirs and had no right to exist".

You then perhaps might go on to explain how it was the UK government had allowed this situation to prevail for around twenty years, how it had allowed Hamas to obtain long range weapons from abroad for use against France, and why it had allowed Hamas to deploy them along the Kent coast.

You may also like to explain why the population and MPs in the rest of the UK (and indeed those in Kent) had not brought pressure to bear on the UK government to put a stop to what was clearly military action against a neighbour that might eventually lead to reprisals.

Of course there's a lot of difference between Hamas and Kent County Council, as there is between Israel and France. So I'm not sure that your analogy, as amusing as it sounds, is entirely appropriate.

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