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Long Distance Relationship Issues.

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Thelonelywolf123 | 02:48 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
15 Answers

Ok so long distance girlfriend has some serious health issues that cause extreme pain, she told me she uses sex to help with the pain, since I'm over 7 hours away she has turned to her ex for pain relief. I don't know how to handle this should I walk away ?  She says that the sex is just for pain relief and means nothing to her. 



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So, it's the opposite of "Not tonight love, I've got a headache"?

LOL Mozz, no paracetamol required🙄

I've never heard such nonsense. Either walk away, or move closer so you can provide the relief yourself. 

That's a bit harsh Canary, the Lonelywolf may suffer erectile dysfunction.



Has she asked you for money for an operation?

How often do you see her and how long has your relationship been going on?

Agony Aunts have arrived, please share your woes lonelywolf 🥱

Sounds like an excuse to me, never heard of any physical problem where the pain is eased by sex...long distance relationships can work, but they take far more effort and  I believe being able to trust you will both be faithful is essential for them to thrive.

Buy her a sex toy.

You are being taken for a fool.  Walk away and keep your self respect. 

Wow never heard of that as an excuse for cheating before.

walk,better still run


She may manage to cope with just a soft touch, which is lucky in the circumstances.

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