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Do People Still Use Chip Pans And Lard(Whitecap)...

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sandyRoe | 17:01 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
10 Answers cook their chips?

Thinking back some time I remember they had a good colour and great taste.



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Not cooked a chip properly for ages. All microwave these days. Nowt wrong with lard though.

I got rid of the chip pan and a rather alarming meat slicer as soon as my first child was born. No regrets.

Best tasting chips but lard very bad for you (high cholesterol) so very much out of favour, especially with the introduction of air fryers. So for me the answer is no.

We always use a real chip pan but with oil rather than lard/dripping just for the convenience. We have a deep-fat fryer but cannot cook chips in it to our satisfaction and oven-chips - enough said.

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I saw a photo of a pan full of nicely browning chips, but probably better if I use oven chips.

It would be my luck if I ended up with a panfull of hot oil over my legs and feet.

I remember as a child I used to love the sound when the chip basket was lowered into the chip pan.

I've never used one myself (shortly after leaving home I set fire to a saucepan of frying sausages which was a bit of a traumatic experience, so a chip pan would have been a conflagration waiting to happen 😀)

McCain crinkle cut oven chips are passable but go cold very quickly.

I'm too feart to use a chip pan.

My chip pan comes out twice a year, Christmas day and New Year's day to roast potatoes and I use Crisp n Dry.

Don't like the frozen roast potatoes you cook in the oven.


Dripping and lard make the best chips, even the best frozen chips is nothing like a proper deep fried chip.

I no longer deep fry but I remember when nearly every house had a chip pan full of used solid fat on the hob.  Often the fat would be used in the frying pan, too.

For a treat we go to the Black Country Living Museum once a year for traditional fish and chips, cooked in dripping.

At home I cook my own version of chips in my combi microwave, not a proper chip but better than shop bought frozen



Sandy - I haven't read all the answers.  But if you want a good chip - you must buy the "dripping" from your local butcher.  that's the real macoy.


I did buy it some years ago but felt guilty regarding cholesterol and I threw it out.  God Forgive Me.  LOL

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