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Sorry For My Absence Early Birds X

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Smowball | 08:40 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

To cut a long story short I've not been well since Sunday eve until yesterday afternoon really - didn't even manage to leave bedroom apart from bathroom. Lost all sense of time/day. Have spoken to doctor last night to try and get to bottom of things, fingers crossed....

Hope we've all been behaving? Have I missed anything important??  Cannot believe it's Friday tomorrow and I've almost missed this week completely!!



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Sorry to hear you've been poorly, hope you've been looked after.

Nothing exciting to report, but I never have anything exciting to report 😕 

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Just nice to hear from you barry, as always. Just frustrated when, in a regular medical practise one doctor doesn't seem to talk to the other, let alone update my notes online. If I have one more doctor ring me and say " how can I help you? " and not seem to know a thing about me!! And I end up explaining the same thing, over and over again..... I could honestly scream.

I would scream too.

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This is what happened when they either don't see you face to face and so can't recall patients, or they are so dis-interested when they see you that they just aren't really listening to a single word you say!

Very relieved to see you posting again Smow.  

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Ahh Thankyou LB - hope you're ok?

Im so sorry Smow - you really are having a relentlessly hard time recently.

If you're not getting any satisfactio from your doctors should you consider calling 111 or going to A and E  ?  You seem a very stoical person but perhaps you are putting up with too much xx

So nice to have you back, and I hope you get somewhere with your doctor. You can actually make an appoinment to see a doctor face to face at my surgery, they are very good and the receptionists are very helpful if you call in. Saying that it is an small off-shoot of the main medical practise further away.

Has anybody been watching DNA Journey? Somehow I can't get into it, although I thoroughly enjoyed Long Lost Families and Who Do You Think You Are. It seems so rambling or is that just me?

Good to see you back - was getting worried x   I am fortunate, have an excellent GP who does listen and the practice has just come second in the county for its good treatment of patients. Previously you did mention a heart problem - have you had all the relevant investigations?  Take care. x

Still here Smow, still here thanks.

Glad to see you back Smow, you are having a tough time mediclly at the moment and you must be sick of it.Hope the docs can help you, they dont seem to have been much good up to now. Its a shame GP's  services are so variable.

nothing much has happened here and there have been the usual squabbles here on AB

Smow, no need to apologise.  Anyone can start the GMEB thread so you don't have to feel bad for missing it.  I'm pleased you're feeling better.

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Thankyou everyone for being so lovely. What would I do without you lot!

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Sorry For My Absence Early Birds X

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