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Cat Burgler Doesn’t Want What's Served At Home

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pastafreak | 18:30 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
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Omg how funny. Cats really are quite clever arent they lol. I read about a cat the other day who appeared in their owners garden with a raw chicken!! 

Yes, I have one of those.  A few weeks ago when it was hot I noticed a bit of a pong in my bedroom.  I looked under the bed to find several chewed pouches of cat food.  Princess Charlotte has worked out how to open my drawers where I keep a stash of upstairs food.  Princess Emily then steals said pouches and has opened the "Self Service Buffet".

I am mad as hell at them for about 3 seconds and then I end up laughing at their naughtiness/cheekiness/deviousness.

The drawer stash is now moved!!!!

At least the cats in Norfolk seem to be targeting something edible.  Down here, in Suffolk, we used to get regular reports about Theo's latest exploits, none of which semed to involve food at all!

My lot don't bring that much home, although I'll never know how their mother managed to drag a fully-grown (and very much alive) herring gull, with a three-foot wingspan, through the cat flap at 3am!  (I managed to rescue it but the noise probably woke every household in the street!)

LOL barmaid! They are soooo clever! Both mine - Daisy & Molly- now know where the cupboard is where I keep their treats. They will sit, one on the worktop above it, and one on the floor nxt to it both reaching up/ down to see who can actually pull the door handle open! It's hilarious to watch.

Smow, they are devious little monkeys but they make me cry with laughter.  Even Mr BM (who after ASBO said he didn't want another cat) adores them.  When he thinks I can't hear him he is often cuddling one and talking to her in such a soft voice.  You can tell a lot about a man when you look at how he treats a cat and how a cat responds to him :)

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I (almost) feel jealous.  All Toby does is eat and sleep...with occasional periods batting foil balls about. No bought cat toys for him...he's deeply suspicious  lol

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Omg that video is adorable! 

There are two of these, Pasta.  I think were they on their own they would be less of a handful and they would just eat and sleep.  But I swear they communicate with each other.  You can see them looking at each other and then they "do" something.  Their "pincer movement" when they are going after a pigeon or a squirrel is quite amazing to watch (only one pigeon caught so far).  And if next door's cat has a spat with Princess Lardy (who will fight), Miss Delicate (who backs off from a fight) will absolutely scream after him as if to say "You will NOT attack MY sister".

Toby loves you and is happy doing his thing.  And it does not cost you a small fortune in loo rolls (which Miss Delicate shreds for fun).

Sadly my two are not cuddly cats. We have always had 2 cats, always had cats who would curl up on us, sleep on us, adore fusses etc etc, so there was no reason to think these two would be any different. But although they will lay on sofa near you, they will purr when stroked etc, they do not get on your lap or come for cuddles. Daisy will let you pick her up but Molly just wriggles and wriggles to get down. It's only in the last 6 months that Daisy has started to get on my lap sometimes, but Molly has NEVER sat on me. And neither have ever sat on MrSmow. I know it is really really peeing him off now, as he loves cats, and he just says why on earth do we have them?? Have no idea why they are like this. They are sisters aged 3. Both very content, always playing, just not interested in cuddles : (

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Toby just costs me a fortune ...OK, exaggerating puppy pads. He misses the litter tray and hits the floor. 99% of the time it's stinky solids that don't get buried. 🙄😷

He's also not a lap or 'pick up and cuddle' cat. But he'll come up on my chair next to me and do head buttts for never ending strokes...same as soon as I lift my head up in the morning... he's there. Actually he's remarkably patient for a cat in regards to food.

OMG Chris - a herring gull thru a cat flap!?? lol.

Actually pasta, mine will both wake me up in the morning, not all the time,just sometimes, but bizarrely it's Molly, who has NEVER sat on anyone's lap, who jumps up on me in bed and sits smack bang in the middle of my chest and taps my face with her paw till I acknowledge her! 

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