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I Wonder Where...

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pastafreak | 17:53 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers Amazon parcel is? Recorded as put through my letterbox on Tuesday evening. Nope. Tried neighbours on either one in. One then knocked on my door yesterday morning to see if I'd gotten their Amazon delivery. So, that's 2 of us missing parcels. Neighbour on other side is still not home. Maybe 2 parcels are on his doormat...🤔

I trust all my nearest neighbours to bring over misdirected items.

Amazon is replacing my order.



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Have you any bins at the front of your address? My sister had an Amazon delivery left inside one of her bins before. 

Amazon are usually very good with parcel deliveries.

Is there an image showing it being handed over or showing where it was left?

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I'm in a block of maisonettes...bins are locked away.

I've never really had any negative experiences with Amazon...except once when the delivery was done by evri or another equally unreliable carrier. 


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I got a duplicate parcel from Amazon today!  I placed an order at the beginning of the month and received it just a couple of days later.  I've had an identical parcel delivered today though, with the same order number.

So you're not missing 240 of these by any chance, are you, Pasta?


PS: Our local Facebook groups seem to get almost daily posts from people who've either received parcels not intended for them or from people who've had parcels delivered to the wrong address.  Quite a few problems seem to get put right through such posts, so perhaps it's worth enquiring on Facebook, Pasta?

Ditto to Chris with my local FB group - people publish the delivery picture which then gets recognised. Happens quite often (but sadly, not when I published a pic of a parcel left on my doorstep addressed with my street but no number - that wasn't Amazon or Evri.)

Deliveries are getting very soppy with all companies now, the problem being they are on time limmits to deliver their van load hence anywhere will do as long as its gone off their van, just nuts. Even royal mail dont bother putting a note through the door telling you where its been dropped off. You have to do your own investigation.

Pasta, a couple of times Amazon have said delivered when they have not been. After 48 hours you can ask for a refund. I ordered a cat tower bed thing and it got delivered (Ie chucked over the fence) of a few doors down. I asked for a refund and before it could be processed the chap whose garden it was chucked in whilst he had been away delivered it. I told amazon but they still refunded the £ and the cats still got their toy. I'd ask for a refund....

The problem with all these refunds through bad delivery tactics is sooner or later retailers will be increasing their costs to cover the losses.

About a year back i could hear a banging outside my front door, went downstairs to find a chap ( Royal Mail) trying to cram a bag inside my gas meter cabinet outside. He had bought his own key, you know the bog standard one, this cabinet is only around 20 x 20inches, the meter fills around two thirds of the space inside. I said do you really think you should be messing around in there, he hadn't even rang the bell or knocked the door. The stop cock for the gas can easily be pushed down in the off position. Why? Beats me.

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Chris, now if that was cream, I'd be a happy bunny.

Unfortunately I don't do FB. It will either turn up...or someone is eating my chocolate 😁 refund, a replacement instead. If I'm really really lucky my order will turn up. 

I need to find out if my neighbour with a missing parcel tracked it down. 

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nicebloke...I hope you reported that RM employee. 

He was a young kid didnt want to get him fired. Just explained to him it was a real bad idea. Explained to him that if he had pushed the stopcock down he could have created an air lock in my gas boiler, or have cut the flow to half and i wouldnt have know what had go wrong until I'd paid for a gas engneer to come out. I think he got the message?

It's a daily occurrence here for people to post photos on our local FB group asking " is this you?  - you've got my parcel!". Todays one was sent to a woman from Amazon as proof they'd delivered her parcel. Prob it wasn't her feet in the photo! It was a pair of legs with very snazzy trainers on the feet, and the parcel in their hands! (Face was hidden). So whoever accepted it knew it wasn't theirs!

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