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Keir Starmer And The Media

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nicebloke1 | 09:18 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Politics
16 Answers

Have you noticed that KS is always willing and able to put his self up to be interviewed and never refuses to answer any questions at anytime on any subject the media care to throw at him. He's done more interviews than Boris ( who hide in the fridge) Sunak ( who was always flying high in OUR helicoptor) and Lizz always busy having her hair and nails done, than all those 3 put together in the few months he's been in power. Now that is one hell of a confident PM in every way.



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You are mad. Utter mad.

Uh-oh, I can hear stirrings in Toryland as the pack gather.

More of the same again today from the same old pub bores?

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Mad about KS for sure.

This post should be in Jokes.

Never refuses to answer any question at any time?!?

Nice one Nicebloke Keep em coming.🤣 They don't like it up em.        ...Whoo Hoo...🤣

Has he decided if a woman can have a knob yet?

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Don't be rude and vulgar TTT.

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A seventy thousand pound motor home, and a bog standard little run around that does 70mph to the gallon. Plus my own home like many others round about the £240 thousand mark. Next?

09.37 Agree with you Nicebloke .A very rude and vulgar answer from the usual culprit @ 09.35... Where are the Mods ? Disgusting answer.

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NMA. can you please stick to the opening post, there is no wind up whatsoever. Do read the OP and comment on that if you wish. Many thanks.

 and never refuses to answer any questions at anytime on any subject the media care to throw at him.





Question to Keir Starmer

'Did you want Jeremy Corbyn to be our Prime Minister?'


Has he ever answered that one?

The fact that Corbyn was ousted and the new leader, Starmer, is now PM suggests that yes the question has been answered

I have a memory and that memory tells me Starmer didn't answer that question on many, many occasions.

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The OP is really about SK answering questions as our now PM, not really what questions were put to him before he became PM.

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Keir Starmer And The Media

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