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Bbc Quiz : Week 43

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Buenchico | 20:00 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Hello again!


An 'unspectacular but not disastrous' week for me this time around, with THREE out of seven on the main quiz


. . . and THREE out of five on the junior one


Your turn!



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Hot Jiminy, started off well and I knew them... mostly.

Main: 6/7
Jnr: 2/5 

Question Author

Well done, Arky!

That 6/7 will be hard to beat!

3 and 4.  A few I knew but the scores were fleshed out with guesses.

Question Author

Those guesses were enough to help you beat me, anyway, Sandy!

Thanks for joining in!

E+vening Chris.




4/5  (fell at the last fence)


Hope this finds you well  ; ))

3/7 v 4/7 It woz the chips wot wunnit 😃

3/5 v 3/5

Still no luck in finding a feline, but I have a good feeling about finding the perfect one next week 😣

Question Author

Hi Sam,

I'm well, thanks. (I seem to be lacking very much blood inside me though, given how long it took a phlebotomist to find some this afternoon!).  I hope that you're well too!

Well done on beating me!


Hi, Haras2!

Congratulations on edging ahead of this week.

 I hope though that my congratulations will be for you on finally finding the perfect feline companion

After last week's giddy heights, back to normal tonight.



Question Author

I feel sure that all of the very best people will have double-three scores this week though, Cap'n! 😁

Well, I don't know what's happened today but I got 4/7 and 5/5. 😀

Question Author

Well done indeed, Clover!

Out in the lead and a perfect kid too!
(Award yourself some extra time playing on your roller skates!)


Buen, my OH has the same lack of blood problem when he has his regular checks, but you wouldn't believe the amount of blood a recalcitrant ewe can cause !....

5/7 & 3/5

5 and 4

Question Author

I'll remember to take care then when I go down the road from my house to where this lot are, Haras2!

🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 

Question Author

Well done, Scorpiojo!

Joint leader!


Good scores, as always, Lie-in King!

Good Evening, Chris!

Pleased with my scores tonight

5/7, 4/5

Feeling a little under the weather right now as went for both covid and flu jab on Wednesday which always wipes me out, so that I feel like I either have covid or flu for the whole weekend, but then I also had to crawl back the next day to have a regular blood test appointment. The nurse struggled to find the right vein before finally getting some blood out, so ended up very bruised also. 

Feeling like a weekend on sofa is imminent with some throws, hot chocolate, paracetamol and hopefully some good telly/films to watch. Found one on Netflix yesterday called Ghostship which was good. Opening scene a bit unexpected! 

Hope your ribs are recovering now and you are being looked after with lots of cuddles from Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo. 

Wishing you all a great week ahead :-)




3/7,2/5. Not my best week, Puss Puss and Bailey getting ready for treats with no tricks. Hope all is good with you and yours

Question Author

Hiya, Karamia!

Well done on the joint top spot!

I had my Covid and flu jabs a fortnight ago.  Fortunately, other than a bit of tiredness, they didn't affect me too badly this time around.

(For blood tests, see above at 2050!)

I keep thinking though that an evening (or a weekend) spent in the nice comfy winged-armchair here in my bedroom, draped in throws and watching a movie or two might be a good idea.  There's just one problem with my plan though, which is that Chequers clearly has absolutely no intention of allowing me to sit in 'his' chair 😸

Sleeping in bed (or, at least, trying to sleep in bed) is no easier either, as Tablo insists upon coming under the covers with me and taking up all of the space!

(Meanwhile Moonbeam, who's still basing himself downstairs, periodically miaows, just to let me know that he's in need of some prolonged stroking!)

No wonder I end up feeling tired!

We all hope that you'll have a lovely week ahead of you!

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