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Some More Gems.

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Rondy | 14:59 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Jokes
4 Answers

I got talked into buying a pre Cremation package today, the upside is if I die in a fire I get half the money back.


Someone has stolen a broken set of scales which I was hoping to fix.
They'll never get a weigh with it.


I'm sensing that there's gonna be an explosion in a fish finger factory.
Yup, the whiting's on the wall


Amazingly, it's still completely legal to kidnap a Mother Superior.
No offence, - nun taken.


ME: "Could you recommend something for diarrhoea?"
CHEMIST: "Undercooked chicken should do the trick."


Just been to Boots and asked the assistant if they sold Benylin.
She replied, ''For cough?''
I said, "Steady on love I only bloody asked!"


Have you tried the new Vauxhall pate?
It’s like normal pate, but Corsa.


I Told all my kids they were born on February 29.
Saved myself a fortune on birthday presents.


I couldn't eat my breakfast so I sprayed pledge on it, I soon polished it off after that.


I used to have a job working backstage in a strip club.
£10 an hour.
Not much I know, but it was all I could afford to pay.


I attempted to smuggle a rugby ball through customs once.
I thought it was worth a try.


I was arguing with my wife in Nando's when a mutual friend came over and nicked our coleslaw & garlic bread.
I don't think he should be taking sides.





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Good ones yet again

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Thanks Ponkle.

Brilliant! Thanks for the laughs..😄

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Thanks Patsy.

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