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It It Any Wonder We Left The Club?

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ToraToraTora | 12:26 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers

How do the EUSSR think they have the right to access our waters? ....and what court are they suing us in?



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we read the newspapers and we find out that there are various courts ( ' venues') that legacy issues are to be decided in

but we really knew that didnt we? 


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foo foo PP!

"How do the EUSSR think they have the right to access our waters? "

Because for fifty years they did. That should have ended unconditionally in January 2020. But for some reason the UK government decided that we must have a "leaving deal" which left the EU with many of the advantages it had by the UK being a member. And with the new government tthe number of those advantages is set to increase.

................."We will take back control of our own Borders.............         A load of BS just like the idiot who said it.

Gulliver said in May "Have also noticed the number of small boat crossings have dropped significantly since the GE was announced. Rwanda didn't frighten them off. But they know the New incoming Labour Govt won't stand for them."

Boat crossings are already up on 2023 - so what BS by what idiot??


13.51. That idiot that looks like he is wearing a hay stack for a wig. AKA Worzel Gummidge, and never told the truth in his life and you suckers believed him .🤣lol

Gulliver  You keep on about UK leaving this corrupt club, and on a previous post you claimed that leaving has affected you as you purport to live in another country.  I asked you to provide a least 2 examples of how the UK's leaving has impacted your life.  I am still waiting for you to oblige.  There are many questions posed to you on postings which you choose to ignore, so I don't expect any difference now.

OP "We left the club" All Boris wanted to do was get as many women as possible ..In the club

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