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Liver Birds Song

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Karamia | 20:24 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Can anyone please help me find clip of the Liver Birds sitcom  theme song where it says ..."You dancing? ...You asking? ...I'm asking... I'm dancing" ?




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Here's the song

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Don't think this has the words from the sitcom that I wanted. Is it in part of the show that she said the words???

What's got four arms loves to grab yer answer is two liver birds.

That's the line I remember.  Same tune but not in the original song.

I think it was spoken at the end of the theme tune, but I can't find it to confirm.


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I am beginning to think I made it up as I cannot find it anywhere. 

I remember it though; and can hear the Scouse accent in my head when she says it. Just can't find it anywhere. 

Fast forward to 11:34

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Liver Birds Song

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