Interest Rates in The AnswerBank: News
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Interest Rates

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Bazile | 12:04 Thu 07th Nov 2024 | News
7 Answers

Down to 4.75 %

No doubt there will be arguements for and against , on here shortly .

Depends on your financial situation 




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Good for debtors, bad for savers

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Who gives a fig , by the look of it 

-- answer removed --

inflation on the way, they'll be going up again.

BoE fiddling while Rome burns...

Interest rates have been pathetically low for decades. Little surprise that it's being made worse. Likely another panic move to try to boost the economy by grabbing wealth from those prudent enough to save what little they can. Surely everyone is bored to tears expressing views on that situation by now.

Long term mortgage rates already up.

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