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My step dad went through something similar with his children to his first wife. He had access, but there was always an excuse on his access days - they were ill or whatever.
Anyway, he found out from a neighbour that they never received any of the cards or gifts he sent on birthdays etc. She would always intercept them.
So, instead of sending them, he kept them and also wrote letters to them, but never posted them.
i remember once, he contacted the head of their school, showed that he had access and eventually had a very emotional (all be it brief) meeting, in the presence of the head, at school.
apparantly, she'd told them that he was in prison and all kinds of awful things.
In the short time though. he managed to tell them that he loved them and that he thought about them all the time.
When the boys - who are now grown up and married with children of their own - reached 16 or so, they came to see their dad. He gave them all the letters and cards and was finally able to tell his side of the story.
i can't pretend it's a very happy ending, their relationship has been scarred and although they keep in contact, they are not what you would call close, but at least they now know the truth, and that they were not abandoned by their dad.
I hope, some day, you will have the chance to see your grandchildren and that your son finds some peace.
I feel i must take stock of my own life and count my blessings. My children will get an extra squeeze tonight, and I'll try to cherish every moment we have together.