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Christmas Quiz

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ChloeM | 00:31 Wed 27th Nov 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

1. Capital loses a letter then grows (7,7)

2.queens Christmas special was when (4)

3. Finish with a tiny bit (6)

4. Scottish whiskey (5)

Think no. 4 might be grouse but not sure.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Closes 20 Dec 2024



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1 Brussels..sprouts 

2 Mass, in the clue?

4) Bells?

ChloeM. Whose quiz is this please? Where can I obtain a copy? 

is 3 all the clue?

There is no such thing as Scottish Whiskey.  There is either Scotch or Whisky.  

3 Trifle

4 can't be 'grouse' as wrong number of letters

In Ireland it is "whiskey".

In Scotland it is "whisky".


2 Yes MASS is hidden in the clue but I'm not sure why the clue includes the 'was when' bit. If it's just a straight clue the Queen's Christmas (eve) concert on TV was 1975

 I thought they were called Brussels Sprouts (8,7)  (,region%2C%20which%20includes%2019%20municipalities.) rather than Brussel Sprouts, but it must be that they are wanting.

Trifle is fine- finish the meal with a desert- trifle (a tiny bit).

Bells looks good despite the misspelling in the clue (but it's a common error)

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