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Worst Christmas Presents

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naomi24 | 13:00 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

I'm sure we've done this before but Christmas is coming so just for laughs, what was your worst Christmas present - or what is your idea of a terrible Christmas present?  I know a man who gave his wife an ironing board cover.



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I gave a chap a nasal trimmer once because he had a hedge growing. He asked me what it was for, I said the indoor plants.

every year my great aunt bought me 4711 perfume ,i hated the smell of it x

Every year my late father in law bought me some Tweed perfume, I hated that Mally.

I used to buy a Jeremy Clarkson book - a collection of his Sunday Times columns - for my son every year. Eventually my son said "Sorry Mum, I don't like Jeremy Clarkson that much." Similarly, with Michael McIntyre DVDs.

I don't know what to get him now. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

James May has a few books out, Cloverjo.

I bought "She who must be obeyed" a new bag and a belt one year. She was not at all pleased but the old hoover went like a dream afterwards. 

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Nawty!!!  😂

I knew a bloke who gave his Mrs a new Dyson when they first came out and he thought she'd be pleased. It took a lot of explaining to make him understand why she wasn't!

My MIL said the first year she met FIL he bought her a new microwave. He was ever so pleased with himself but couldn't understand why she wasn't happy lol.

Lastyear MrSmow bought me a wireless printer for my office. I needed a printer yes, but was going to buy myself one anyway when he gave me one on Xmas Day. Not quite what I expected lol, he even wrapped up a box of printer paper to go with it!

I bought the mother in law a gift voucher for Dignitas Switzerland.

Told her it has an expiry date on it 👍

A used address book 

a sieve - and I thought Christmas was supposed to be a holy holiday.....

LOL SIRandy.

Randy - I actually laughed out loud! Thanku lol. 

We are watching again The Crown on Netflix and in one episode all these fabulous wealthy types club together and give someone, with great hillarity, a plastic toilet brush and holder.

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Worst Christmas Presents

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