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Genius 258

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saladdodger | 08:05 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

The wordplay gives an extra letter or a double letter is missing from it...

23a Blunt, shortly annoy and go away (8) ?M?????E

25a Stars show butts on stages (7) ?E?????



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EMI(L)GRATE - actress EmiL[y] Blunt shortened leaves an extra 'L' (GRATE = 'annoy').

LEG(s)ENDS - extra 's' from LEG[s] = 'stages'.

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Thanks ProfM...i thought it was emigrate but couldn't work out the blunt bit....

How do these parse please..?

6d State Sibyl, needing no introduction, also breaking wind (7)

?EANDE?   ( and = also) 

I think I need an extra E in the wordplay

3d Undercoats look brilliant (6) SUPERB...think the E is extra

state ME (Maine) + AND + PE(e)ER

SUB = 'under'/which 'coats'/covers - PE[e]ER = 'look'

...sorry, one too many 'E's there - PE(e)R.

sorry again - it's SE(e)R for 'Sibyl'!!!

(Still a bit early for me.}

...yet again!!! - (s)[e]ER for 'sibyl' with the [e] extra

(But I'm sure you got the message ages ago, tedsgran.}

Many thanks Professor M

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Genius 258

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